Summary: Kevin is regular guy going about his day when he happens upon an individual he mistakes for a homeless man, but in reality, he meets a Mage (a magician), named Mirth. Later, as Kevin is riding in an isolated subway car, he is startled to find himself being attacked by three bald-headed men with pale complexions, eyes with no pupils, and pointy spikes for elbows. In utter confusion and bewilderment of his current situation and because of his opponents makeover, Kevin decides to escape his plight by jumping out of the window of the moving subway. As luck would have it, Kevin may have alluded his transgressors, but only to wind up in the direct path of an oncoming subway train. Surprisingly, Kevin survives being run over by the subway! Dusting himself off, he desperately tries to wrap his brain about what's happening and longingly seeks the solace of his apartment home. However, when he gets there, Kevin finds Mirth awaiting him in his living room....